Call for papers

Call for papers

By virtue of its objectives and its transdisciplinary character, the Archipel conference aims to propose a framework and forms of discussion and knowledge sharing that allow researchers from diverse traditions to work together despite the divergences separating their communities in terms of methodologies, ways of thinking, questioning, expectations, presuppositions and modes of interaction.

To this end, we are issuing three calls for papers (detailed below):

  1. Call for symposiums
    The symposiums are places of debate on a clearly identified issue. Priority will be given to projects led by young people.
  2. Call for extended abstracts
    More traditional submission presenting scientific work and results.
  3. Call for workshops
    The role of the workshops will be to help build the scientific community, and to allow the different actors of society to interact directly with this community.

1. Call for symposiums


Les symposiums doivent être des lieux de débats sur un questionnement clairement identifié en lien direct avec les thématiques et objectifs de la conférence.

Targeted principles:

  • Two hours of exchanges based on (quick) presentations of existing scientific works and on a round table type debate in which the points of view of hard sciences and social are confronted with a dialogue between substantive and technical questions (methodologies, ways of thinking, expectations, presuppositions, scope…).
  • Proposals should ideally be led by young researchers (PhD students, post-docs, PhDs who have defended their PhD thesis after 2018) who can be mentored by a senior researcher, and who bring together profiles from the hard sciences and social sciences.
  • The Program Committee may propose adaptations before acceptance (modifications, merging of independently submitted symposia).
  • For accepted proposals, speakers will then be asked to submit a position paper (one or two pages providing, in addition to the abstract, a biography and a selection of publications) which will be evaluated by the Program Committee, then sent to the conference participants and included in the conference proceedings.

These principles are recommendations; they are not obligations. What is important is to respect the underlying spirit of bringing together complementary points of view on common issues. Do not hesitate to contact us if needed.

Examples of symposium topics:

Ideal content of submitted proposals:

  • Questioning or theme of the symposium
  • Objectives
  • Intersecting points of view / reflections envisaged
  • List of potential speakers, indicating whether they have already been contacted and whether they have agreed to participate in the event. The organizers can be part of the speakers.
  • List of works on which the discussion will be based. It can be already published works (in this case, it is enough to give the bibliographic reference or the web link) or works in progress (it could be for example the case of a thesis; transmit then a short summary and the context of the thesis).
  • List of the carriers (names, statutes, affiliations, fields of competence).

2. Call for Extended Abstract

The extended abstracts submitted present scientific contributions directly related to the themes and objectives of the conference. This call is particularly aimed at young researchers, including doctoral students and master’s students, who can present their work.

  • Content: these extended abstracts may present unpublished scientific results or repeat work already published recently in another language by the authors. They can present results in progress, as well as completed results. In addition to the bibliographic references, they should contain a short biography of the main authors.
  • Language: these extended abstracts should be written in French if possible, but it is also possible to submit contributions in English.
  • Size: 3 pages maximum for the text and bibliography + 1 page maximum for the biographies

Accepted abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings. The Program Committee plans to select some of the contributions for publication in a book or a special issue in a French peer-reviewed scientific journal.

Depending on the theme of the submitted papers, their authors will be invited to participate in existing symposia or will be grouped in specific symposia with other authors of papers on the same theme. The scientific results they present will be used as a basis for a collective discussion with a multidisciplinary vision, between the authors and discussants (invited) participating in these symposia.

The presentation of the articles will not follow the classical modus operandi of the hard sciences (20mn presentations + 10mn of questions with the public, chained during a session), but will follow a mode closer to what is practiced in the human sciences, and which will allow to cross the points of view so as to favour the creation of interdisciplinary links.

3. Call for workshops

The workshops have a dual purpose:

  1. To allow the members of the conference to meet and work on specific questions and on the implementation and practical organization of the community. While symposia are meant to be places of debate between a limited number of speakers (less than a dozen) interacting with the room through question and answer games, workshops are meant to be much more participatory places of exchange in which all participants have the same right to speak. These workshops can have a scientific objective (thematic, methodological, epistemological, etc.), as well as a functional and organizational one, in order to set up the community.
  2. To allow the various stakeholders of society (citizens, civil society, administrations, companies, etc.) to interact directly with the scientific community on issues of public interest. These workshops can be an opportunity for scientists to be challenged by civil society on the central topics of the conference.

Ideal contents of the submitted workshop proposals:

  • Title
  • Objectives / theme / questions
  • Targeted public
  • Envisaged organization
  • Material needs, logistics
  • List of participants (names, status, affiliations, areas of expertise).
    The workshops can be carried out by all kinds of actors

Selection criteria

Submissions will be reviewed by at least two members of the selection committee.
Particular consideration will be given to:

  • the appropriateness of the objectives and theme of the conference;
  • the interdisciplinary dimension of the work presented;
  • the importance and originality of the contribution;
  • the correctness of the scientific and technical content ;
  • the reproducibility of the results;
  • the organization and clarity of the presentation;
  • the scientific competence and ethics of the proposed organizers (for symposia and workshops).


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